So here in Aus it was fathers day a week or so ago, so Az and I headed down to the beach to spend the Sunday with his family. After the massive lunch and almost falling asleep part of the day, Aaron's sister suggested we go to a place called 'The Mill', which was only described to me as 'an antique shop.'
The only website I could find was this here, pseudo-site. We were at the Geelong one.
They boast something like over 50k items for sale and such, but I had no idea what to expect. We pulled into the parking lot of a massive, and I mean massive barn shaped building.
As you walk in you get that nice musty antique-y smell and are immediately bombarded with thousands of items. One of which is Glo-mesh (insert drool here) with the keen eyes of myself, Aarons mum and sister, we found stacks of the stuff. Hong kong m
(Warning: Image heavy)
So really, the only reason I don't currently have every item there in my possession is because I had no money on me at the time. :(
What surprised me even more was the pricing some people put of those items. There were Hong Kong alumesh bags in terrible condition selling for $25! If it's not real glomesh I wouldn't even pay that for it, even in good condition. I saw the same wallet I bought not too long ago only it was real glomesh going for about $20 I believe it was. Of course, the gold bags were fetching a pretty penny at around $60-$80, keep in mind they were in their original boxes. Regardless of my fetish, we trudged on through The Mill. And I can safely say that I will be back, as soon as I have some extra money:) But hey, Christmas is coming around soon now isn't it :P
Another thing that caught my eye while I was there was this beautiful dress,
Though for some reason I had a feeling it would never fit me, it just *looked* too small. But for $45, it was almost too good to abandon. Alas, my husband gave me that look and I let it go, though next time I'm around, if it's still there and it does fit, it's mine mwahahahah.
Anyhow that's enough for the moment, I just needed to update and get these photos off my camera :)