So I've been buying a lot of small things lately, not big purchases or anything. A few dollars here and there on things I think are cute. So here's what I've recently purchased and my excuses for spending money.
1. Mini Mirror KeychainReason for purchase: Needed a small mirror to fit in my small make-up bag.
From Diva, $4.99
It Has two mirrors, one on either side and is about the size of a 50 cent piece, only oval shaped :)
2. Aluminium tin with 30 brunette bobby pinsReason for purchase: I needed more bobby pins and the little case was cute. Also fits into my make-up bag :)
From Diva, also $4.99
If you have a look, it's actually in one of those Eclipse Mint tin looking tins, with the flip top. The brunette ones are perfect for my darkish blonde hair as the blonde ones were very golden coloured.
3. Splash Nail GlitterReason for purchase: Um, because it's sparkly? Also thought it might look nice on a set of nails, so I'm currently testing it and will let you know the details!
From Groove, $7.99
Now, look at this in its not open state, yeah loose glitter, nothing special.
4. Designer Brands Lip Liner (Red Hot Red)
Reason for purchase: I was running out of lip liner, and although I sell Avon myself, I'm a tight-arse to the nth degree and refuse to pay an arm and a leg for something like lip liner, no matter how good it is!
From My Chemist, $4.00
This stuff is fantastic, I already use DB's Kohl eye-liners, and this is just as good as other products I've used. (Plus it goes perfectly with my lipstick.)

Application of liner. It goes on quite smoothly.
My current shade of lippy, Really Rosy Mega Impact by Avon
Finished product, the white balance is slightly out so I apologise.
I will leave you with that, I'm off to finish making dinner. Note to self: Never cook snapper again, too many stabbing bits!Ash